Late last year I purchased a copy of "The Lean Deal" written by Michael Althoff. I am blessed to know Michael as a friend and business associate. I was the Australian distributour for Yello Tools which are tools made for sign, print and vehicle wrap market. Michael makes tools in Germany and exports all over the world. Yes he manufactures tools in Germany and exports all over the world.
Michael book "The Lean Deal" shows the way you can transform your business culture through change in management and staff culture that will bring all levels of the team together and you will begin a lean journey the will make your business competitive in every way.
Michael started as a Signmaker in Germany and quickly realised that efficiency of himself and his team was the way to produce the best sign, with the least waste (time) and the more profit. To produce efficiency he began making tools and workstations to produce signs with LEAN efficiency. He was so successful that other sign shops started to buy tools of him and he didn't need to make signs anymore he needed to make tools for the industry.
Yello Tools has grown to over 40 staff in Germany and USA. Michael is part of the Global Lean leadership team which is a global group that meets every year for a summit.
Michael is invited to speak an consult all over the world and for many German companies, Mercedes is just one example.
I want to share Michaels passion with Australian manufactures and Michael has been kind enough to send me a shipment of his books for sale, see link below to buy and copy and start your LEAN journey, it is also available on Kindle.
